Developers zone

Welcome to the developer zone home page! Our APIs enable seamless integration of advanced drone functionalities into your applications. Explore services such as terrain following, geo-awareness, BVLOS route planning, dispatch optimization, geo-caging, and route validation.

Each API is designed for reliability and efficiency, ensuring safe and effective drone operations. Dive into technical details, request and response formats, and practical examples to get started quickly and enhance your drone operations. If you are interested in evaluating the API, please contact us through the contact page. We can then discuss and determine the relevance of our services for your project.

bvlos navigation planning

The BVLOS Navigation Planning API computes a route between an origin and a destination, with optional waypoints, considering various factors such as prohibitions, temporal prohibitions, restrictions like upper and lower flight limits, and obstacles that might impact the route. This API allows for the refinement of the route by providing additional parameters such as UAS speed, travel start time, maximum allowed altitude, preferred minimum flight altitude, and aircraft maximum pitch. Other features are in development, such as maximum yaw, routes that consider the terrain slope to minimize aircraft energy consumption, and wind direction and strength. The underlying algorithm and data model are flexible enough to add any custom cost that you might be interested in. For example, "give me the route that favors the best cellular network coverage while taking into account all air and ground prohibitions and restrictions."

The route GET API endpoint allows you to provide all relevant parameters pertinent to your mission as input parameters. The output format is JSON with full step-by-step maneuvers or KML and GeoJSON for the 3D flight path geometries.

Some of the key features include:

A drone flying beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) over a varied landscape, using advanced route planning.
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Find the shortest 3D path between origin and destination

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Get total duration and distance estimation

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Get details per leg when using waypoints

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Get details per step within a leg (distance, duration, bearing, pitch, altitude AGL)

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Configurable data buffers, contingency volume, and flight geography

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Set waypoint stops

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Set UAV speed, ID, minimum and maximum flight altitudes AGL

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Set mission planned departure time

drone dispatch optimization

The Dispatch Optimization API endpoint, given a set of drones at a base station and a set of jobs (a job can be a delivery or an inspection), responds to the question: "What is an optimized dispatch combination to minimize the total fleet flight time and maximize the number of jobs performed, taking into account all prohibitions and restrictions?" This is essentially what Dispatch Optimization does, very similar to logistic platforms for truck optimization. The Dispatch Optimization API endpoint, however, takes very specific drone constraints into account and uses the underlying route planning algorithm, which considers all the restrictions and prohibitions, along with aircraft-specific parameters. The Dispatch Optimization API endpoint allows you to provide all relevant parameters pertinent to your mission as a JSON payload. The output format is a JSON with all the jobs assigned to respective drones and the associated route for each drone.

Some of the key features include:

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Apply the drones' maximum allowed flight time or flight distance

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Apply the drones' time windows (absolute or relative)

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Apply the drones' multi-dimensional capacity (maximum volume, number of packages, weight)

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Apply the drones' skills (equipment for inspections)

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Apply the job locations and service time at each location

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Apply the drones' technical characteristics (speed, minimum flight altitude, maximum flight altitude)

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Retrieve full details of assignment (total time, total distance, assigned jobs per drone, unassigned jobs due to set constraints)

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Retrieve the optimized routes and sequenced jobs to complete per drone, including the full geometry per route

A fleet of automated drones being dispatched beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) for various tasks such as infrastructure inspections, public safety, and rescue operations.

drone terrain following

The altitude API endpoint is a helper tool designed for drone operators who need to follow the terrain with high precision. The API endpoint computes the Above Ground Level altitude of a drone to Mean Sea Level altitude (drone GNSS) and vice versa. To enable constant height terrain following, we use an accurate Digital Elevation Model.

The elevation POST API endpoint allows you to provide a polyline of GPS locations in WGS84 in the payload, with an optional elevation Above Ground Level value associated with each longitude and latitude. The payload can be provided in either KML or GeoJSON format.

A drone flying over a mountainous terrain with significant slopes, maintaining a constant height above ground level.

Some of the key features include:

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The input polyline converted to AMSL using either geoid EM96 or ellipsoid.

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The input polyline interpolated for higher resolution and converted to AMSL.

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The input polyline converted to AMSL using a fixed elevation AGL (e.g., 50 meters AGL for all points).

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The input polyline where each individual elevation AGL is converted separately to AMSL.

drone geo-awareness

The geo-awareness API endpoint returns information about air and ground restrictions, prohibitions, and ground obstacles based on the drone's location and altitude Above Ground Level. The response is a KML or GeoJSON. Various data layers can be integrated into your operation zone, such as buffers around building footprints, buffers around antennas, power lines, civil aviation data, and more. This API endpoint can be integrated into an application for mission planning.

The geo-awareness POST API endpoint allows you to provide various geometries in the payload, to find if any restriction, prohibition, or obstacle intersects or falls within the provided polygon. The payload can be provided in either KML or GeoJSON format. The output format is a KML or GeoJSON with attributes describing the objects returned.

Some of the key features include, search for restrictions, prohibitions and obstacles by:

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Polygon (convex, concave, bounding box, etc)

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Corridor along a path

A drone flying over a diverse landscape, equipped with a geo-awareness system.

drone route validation

The route validation API is designed to verify existing routes—such as those that have been manually created. It checks if the provided polyline intersects with any restrictions and prohibitions. Users should provide the polyline as a list of decimal WGS84 latitude and longitude coordinates along with the altitude AGL (Above Ground Level) for each coordinate.

A drone flying along a planned route, with an interface displaying the validation of the route.

The system will issue warnings in the following cases:

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A segment of the route intersects a prohibited zone.

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One or more coordinates exceed the maximum allowed altitude.

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One or more coordinates fall below the minimum allowed or possible altitude.

If there are no warnings for the given geometry, the route is considered validated.

drone geo-caging

The geo-caging API endpoint is a helper tool designed to generate 3D cages around a polyline, the actual planned path that the drone will follow. The intent is to generate the flight geography and the contingency volume that the drone should not leave. Leaving any of these volumes means taking corrective actions or flight termination to ensure safe operations. Since the latency of making an API call to check if the drone is within the flight geography or the contingency volume is not acceptable for triggering diligent corrective actions, this API is intended to generate vectorial data to be loaded into the drone in your autopilot-specific software format or for simulation mode.

Some of the key features include:

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Set the drone path as a 3D polyline and cylinders radii

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Get 3D objects representing the cylinders in custom formats

A drone flying within a 3D virtual cage over a specified zone.
decorative wave

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