bvlos navigation planning

Calculate the shortest route for drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) operating Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS), while taking into account natural, artificial, and regulatory restrictions and prohibitions. The pathfinder service can serve as a Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) helper tool, as the routing solution considers flight geography, contingency volume, and ground risk buffer around populated areas, as well as building footprints.

Further details are provided below.

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BVLOS Drone Routes with Stratomaps’ Pathfinder service

The UAV route planning API endpoint accepts multiple parameters to perform the route exploration from origin to the destination:

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Origin and destination

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Waypoints to “force” the path

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Drone’s maximum turn angle

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Start Time, considering Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR)

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Vertical and Horizontal contingency

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Minimum & Maximum cruise flight height AGL.

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Drone’s speed

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Drone’s maximum pitch (multi-rotors, fixed wings)

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Drone’s maximum yaw

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Drone’s consumption formula to find path with minimal energy

See the navigation service’s capabilities in action in the video above. More technical details available on the developers zone.

The navigation service is customized to specific customer operational zones and requires API integration with the customer's backend system and/or application. It is designed to cater to U-space Service Providers (USSPs), UTM Service Providers (USP), drone application developers, drone manufacturers, and, more broadly, companies operating UAVs that require accurate maps and services.

The route planning API is provided as a Supplemental Data Service. However, it is not a substitute for obtaining flight authorization from relevant regulatory authorities.

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