Drone Delivery Dispatch

Drone delivery is rapidly changing the logistics landscape. In the business-to-consumer (B2C) context, consumers expect fast, reliable service, whether hot meals delivered in minutes or retail purchases delivered in record time.

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While traditional logistics companies have mastered dispatch optimization for ground vehicles, drones present new opportunities but also challenges. That's where Stratomaps' drone dispatch optimization comes in, offers drone delivery dispatch services, designed to optimize flight paths for drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), and electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL).

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What is Drone Dispatch Optimization?

Dispatching drones involves dealing with a very specific set of constraints. Given the number of delivery drones starting from the same takeoff point, we need to ensure the total fleet flight time is minimized to maximize the number of deliveries performed. This requires considering the drones' multi-dimensional capacities (weight, volume, number of packages), estimated maximum flight time, maximum travel distance, delivery time windows, potential drone skills (equipment), and other parameters. While these logistics parameters are critical to optimize, they are not sufficient on their own. An optimization algorithm typically works closely with a routing engine that produces what is referred to as Table or Distance Matrix. Essentially, a table comprises the distances and durations of all possible combinations between all locations.

A detailed image comparing truck dispatch versus drone dispatch.

To make an analogy with truck logistics, a table of durations and distances is created by calculating routes using the road network, taking various parameters into account such as truck profiles, road restrictions, prohibitions, and historical traffic. The same applies to drones, but the map data and network will be different by nature: a three-dimensional network. This network will consist of obstacles with height above ground level (AGL), ground prohibitions (e.g., populated areas, residential zones), and specific regulations from the local civil aviation authority, which include other restrictions and prohibitions.

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Understanding the Challenges of Short Drone Deliveries

Drone deliveries offer unprecedented speed and convenience but present unique challenges compared to traditional ground-based logistics. Routes need to be considered taking into account:

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Air and ground risks: These include populated areas, obstacles, and civil aviation regulations.

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Acceptance: These services will be viable only if the annoyance to local residents is perceived as minimal.

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Multiple stops: Managing multiple delivery stops increases route complexity.

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Maximum travel time and distance: Limited flight durations and ranges require careful route planning.

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Tight time windows: Drones must meet stringent delivery timeframes to satisfy customer expectations.

While it is possible to plan manually, scaling operations quickly requires a Drone Dispatch Optimization solution.

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Benefits of Stratomaps' Drone Dispatch Optimization

Adopting Stratomaps’ advanced Dispatch Optimization technology offers significant advantages:

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Increased Efficiency: Optimize flight paths and grouping of orders per drone to complete more deliveries within the same time frame and with the same number of drones, maximizing fleet utilization.

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Safer Operations: Minimize air and ground risks, and comply with regulations specific to your operation zone, while finding the most optimal routes.

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Faster Deliveries: Accurate route planning and real-time adjustments consistently ensure faster delivery times, enhancing customer satisfaction.

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Customization: Add constraints specific to your operation zone and aircraft fleet.

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Reduced Energy Consumption: Consume less energy (and produce less CO2 emissions) by minimizing total fleet flight time.

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Minimize neighborhood disturbance: Calculate optimal routes that avoid crossing private properties and reduce noise pollution.

an example of a drone dispatch delivery with optimization

Overall, Stratomaps helps drone logistics companies by providing them with the data and solutions needed to scale their drone delivery operations.

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Need to scale your drone deliveries?

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